The Borough Blog – April 2016
- 📅 25 April 2016
- 👤 Jenny Wordley
- 📁 Practice News
Welcome to the April Borough Blog. April is a busy month in Downton as the village prepares for the world-renowned Cuckoo Fayre where the village welcomes nearly 15,000 visitors to The Borough!
Cuckoo Fayre 2016 In aid of PCF
After three year’s running Open Days at the annual Downton Cuckoo Fayre on Saturday 30th April, we have decided this year to give our staff the day off! Instead, we are giving over the dental practice frontage and car park to a charity very close to our heart.
Over the last five years, Downton Baptist Church (where Luke & Jenny attend) and Downton Primary School have been supporting The Purple Community Fund (formerly The Philippine Community Fund) – a UK registered charity established to support disadvantaged children and families in both the UK and Asia. PCF’s flagship project is located in Manila Philippines where they have developed poverty reduction programmes for children and their families working and living on a giant rubbish dump in Manila. The charity built a multi-purpose building made from recycled shipping container vans where over 800 child workers receive daily education, nutrition and health programmes and 50 mothers are part of a social enterprise programme making handbags and accessories from waste material such as the ring pulls from canned drinks, toothpaste tubes and jewellery from glossy magazines. Click here or on the picture above to see a video of PCF’s work in Manila.
On 30th April at the Cuckoo Fayre, PCF will be showcasing their work in our car park and offering a range of stalls, including the sale of their beautiful products, food from the Philippines, workshops on how to make a ring pull bracelet, glitter face paint, tombola and lucky dip! Please come and support them if you can!
Richard Completes 1st Year!
On Wednesday 20th April, Richard Stephenson completed his 1st year at The Borough Dental Practice! During that time, he has welcomed nearly a thousand new patients to the practice. Richard said:- “I am so delighted to be working at The Borough Dental Practice. I am really appreciating working with such a happy and focused team, state-of-the-art equipment and the best laboratories and materials. Having plenty of time with patients though has been the biggest change. It is so lovely to have the time to make patients feel fully comfortable and properly talk through various treatment options, with the aid of digital cameras and x-rays. Then when a treatment plan is decided upon, I know I have the clinical time to complete the very best job possible. I have never been happier in my dentistry.”
Richard is still welcoming new patients. If you would like to try Richard or the Practice, with no obligation to stay, a ½ hour consultation (New Patient Examination) is just £45, including x-rays. For more information, please ring the practice on 01725 510303.
“Introduce a Friend” Voucher
We believe that personal recommendation is the best way to grow a practice. Rather than spend money on advertising, we therefore wanted to offer an incentive to patients to recommend our practice. If you are an existing patient, please pick up an “Introduce a friend” voucher and give it to a friend or family member. If they present it to the practice, they will receive a £10 discount off their New Patient Examination (normally £45.00) and you will receive £10 credited to your account against future treatment!
Natasha moving on
We are sad to announce that Natasha Bailey will be moving on from the practice on the 20th May. Tash has been with us since Summer 2015 and has
been a popular clinician and member of the team. Unfortunately for us, Tash has been offered a 3-day a week position at Hedge End with a dentist she has known for years. We are sure patients who have been treated by Tash will join us in wishing her all the very best for the future.
We are currently recruiting for a new Dental Hygienist/Therapist and will update patients shortly as soon as we have made an appointment.
Emma and Ankit marry!
We are delighted to report that our dental nurse, Emma Bromage, married her long-time fiancée, Ankit Madaan in February! After 5 ½ years of courtship after they met at University in Wales, they celebrated a wonderful wedding in Delhi in full Indian style! Emma reports:-
“In February I travelled with my Parents, Sisters, Nephews, Niece, Auntie, Uncle and Pre-School Best Friend to New Delhi where Ankit and I tied the knot – literally! We were a little out-numbered as Ankit had 450 family members to my 15 family members. Our wedding was the most beautiful, colourful and amazing 3 days of my life!! The first day was called the Mehndi Ceremony; where all the women had henna designs drawn on their hands and big party celebrations happened. The second day was The Wedding Day; there were several ceremony’s and partying throughout the day. We finally got married at about 2 in the morning. The third day was The First Day of Our Married Life; there was yet another ceremony to welcome me into the Madaan family home.
“My family and I enjoyed every minute we spent in India. Ankit was determined to show my family as much of his part of India as he could so we visited the Akshardham temple, Lotus temple, Qutub Minar, Red Fort, India Gate, Indian Parliament, Khan Market, Taj Mahal and so many more interesting places.”
“We are now in the long process of applying for a visa to bring Ankit back to the UK so that we can begin our happy married life together. We would ask for your good wishes over the coming months.”
A taster video of their marriage can be found here!
Summer Whitening – Just £280!
We are delighted to be offering a special deal for teeth whitening during May, June, July and August. Normally, £320, we will be offering a special deal of £280 for whitening of upper and lower teeth.
We use the ‘Opalescence Whitening’ system ( – a take-home tray system only available from registered dental practitioners. Opalescence is an excellent whitening system we trust and recommend, and have used ourselves. Please speak to Jenny or Richard during your check-up if you are interested, or call us at the practice to discuss if your check-up isn’t due.


Patient Testimonial – “As I have got older, my teeth have become a duller colour and in recent years I had become quite self-conscious about smiling. When my daughter’s wedding was approaching last year, I decided to talk to Jenny about it. She recommended Opalescence and the whole process was quick and easy. I find the trays simple to use and I am really pleased with the results. I am shortly going to do another top-up and it is great to be able to use the same mouth-guard tray and not incur the cost all over again as I understand you do with some other systems.”
Thank you for reading our blog. If you have any questions about any of the above, or any general enquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact the practice on 01725 510303.
With best wishes,